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The so-called brand culture refers to the cultural accumulation gradually formed in the operation of the brand

The so-called brand culture refers to the cultural accumulation gradually formed in the operation of the brandThe so-called brand culture refers to the cultural accumulation gradually formed in the operation of the brand

The so-called brand culture refers to the cultural accumulation gradually formed in the operation of the brand?

The so-called brand culture refers to the cultural accumulation gradually formed in the operation of the brand, which represents the brand's own values and world outlook. In terms of image, it is the mainstream view it holds after personalizing the brand. To be more straightforward, it is a kind of culture that can reflect consumers'spiritual identification and resonance, and make them believe in the brand's concept pursuit for a long time, and form a strong brand loyalty. Popularly speaking, it is like the sculpture of folk mythological figures. The physical goods are compared with the sculpture itself, while the brand culture is compared with the personality that people like to talk about in the mythological stories.

A The so-called brand culture refers to the cultural accumulation gradually formed in the operation of the brand

The so-called brand culture refers to the cultural accumulation gradually formed in the operation of the brandThe so-called brand culture refers to the cultural accumulation gradually formed in the operation of the brand